Changeling: Enter the Muse – Character Guide

Baroness Eleanor-Elise ap Eiluned (Margaret Lion)

Name: Margaret

Character Name: Baroness Eleanor Elise ap Eiluned of Highground

Kith: Sidhe

House: Eiluned

Age: Grump

You will know this character by: Her amber heart necklace! Medieval style clothing; curly brown hair; purple eyes (once the contacts come in), and sometimes she belly dances.

Rytsar Drevni Marros (J. Duncan)

Name: J

Character Name:
Rytsar Drevni Marros

Kith: Sidhe

House: Varich

Age: Grump - Old

You will know this character by: Black armour with lots of small suns;

Sir Tusk (Ryan Brunett)

Name: Ryan

Character Name: Sir Tusk

Kith: Troll

House: Fiona

Age: Grump

You will know this character by: Carries big battleaxe which is a mithril battleaxe; pretty much dresses like a paladin; is a troll -  10 foot troll (so look up)

Duke Kellan Hugh Di’Corridan Illumina ap Gwydion (David W. Michel III)

Name: David

Character Name: Duke Kellan Hugh Di’Corridan Illumina ap Gwydion

Kith: Sidhe

House: Gwydion


You will know this character by: Purple – lots of purple. Personal seal is the gryphon; common seen wearing a coiled snake ring of silver; also carries a mithral rapier – which actually has the Gwydion symbol on the cross-piece.

Peni (Amber Smoot)

Name: Amber

Character Name: Peni

Kith: Gruah

House: No House

Age: 22 (Human age)

You will know this character by: Her staff and funny hat; cryptic dialog; always a source of chocolate.

Gell Cairngorn (William Stalcup)

Name: William

Character Name: Gell Cairngorn

Kith: Dwarf

House: Cairngorn

Age: Grump (62)

You will know this character by: The 3-foot beard with trinkets!!! (beads, unicorns, you name it) Side Note: The childlings dressed his beard!!!!

Lucretia (Jenni Zengerling)

Name: Jenni

Character Name: Lucretia

Kith: Sidhe

House: Unknown

Age: 9 (human age)

You will know this character by: Child-like behavior; you will hear the words “I’m a princess”; very prettily and girly dressed.

Amelie Erin O-Caerigen (Megan Brown)

Name: Megan

Character Name: Amelie Erin O’Caerigen

Kith: Clurichian

House: None

Age: 13 (human years)

You will know this character by: Curly hair; Scottish accent; nasty little habit of disappearing when no one is looking.


Name: Siobhan

Character Name: Chet “Kroniklar”

Kith: Sluah

House: ?

Age: Wilder

You will know this character by: A shadow appearing over your shoulder, peering at whatever you are doing. Chet dresses elegantly, somewhat above her station, and carries a neurotic talking ferret in her purse who appears terrified to be in your presence. She’s fairly outgoing for a sluagh and will probably interview you for her tabloid newspaper, the Chronicle (or “Muses Newses)s. In mortal appearance Chet is a teenager whose dress and hairstyle seems to change on a daily basis.

Cameron Gabriel Snow (Brenton McQueary)

Name: Brenton

Character Name: Cameron Gabriel Snow

Kith: Kinain

House: Sworn to Phoenix

Age: Wilder

You will know this character by: A shiny red shirt and energy out the wazoo.  If there’s lightning about, Cameron must be on his way.

Avetotara (Matthew Hengeveld)

Name: Matthew

Character Name: Avetotara

Kith: Eshu

House: Houseless

Age: 24

You will know this character by: White bag hanging from waist.

Gabriel Conor (Jeremy Brown-Hayes)

Name: Jeremy

Character Name: Gabriel Conor

Kith: Sluagh

House: Houseless

Age: Wilder

You will know this character by: Black cloak, sunglasses, quiet.

Name: B

Character Name: Gawayn Nuff

Kith: Complicated question: Sidhe BUT from an alternate dimension

House: Annular (Eiluned)

Age: 992 years old – but he’s a wilder!

You will know this character by: Black clothing; knowledge of magic – much; black hair; pointy ears; sometimes wings

Diezel (Sara Angharad Schaefer Jones)

Name: Sara

Character Name: Diezel

Kith: Redcap- all redcap. 

House: None, unless you count the childling house

Age: 11- almost 12

You will know this character by:  The fact that she’ll be trying to kill you.  Well, no, but she’d like you to think that.  Slingshot, chain, key around her neck, red streaks in her pigtails, safety pins in her clothes, and a plaid skirt over her ripped jeans, braces over her pointed teeth resulting in a lisp