Baroness Eleanor-Elise ap Eiluned of Highground
Soundrack 1 -
The Seer by Big Country

Big Country - The Seer CD Cover

I chose this music because it so reminds me of BEE's journey. She followed LeBois to help bring the Sidhe back to the world, feeling that this was the best way to preserve the Fae. She then discovered she was wrong. The songs always made me feel like she did about leaving the Dreaming and longing for a perfect world. How odd then that these songs now fit her perfectly since she has lost her barony. Synchronicity anyone?

These songs were written by Stuart Adamson of the awesome rock band, Big Country. For me this, album has always held a deep spiritual quality, stirring the Celtic blood that does not exist in my veins but does live in my soul. What Stuart wrote about this album is how BEE feels about the Fae, the Dreaming, her love of equality, and her life.

"I came to one day in 1985 and found I had been around the world several times in a chaos of bagpipe guitars and cold small beer. I had been translated and subtitled from the sack to the mill and come home to a place that didn't look like the press kit.

I was aware that I was carrying more than just some cheap luggage around with me, especially when I spoke in an accent deemed everything from cute to impenetrable, depending on who was doing the listening. It seemed that all I did was defined by my being Scots and all of it someone else's definition.

So I opened my eyes, I looked, I listened, I read, and made tangible for myself what had be instinctive. Somwhere between Alex Harvey and Hugh McDiarmid, Glencoe and Hampden Park was a culture and it was mine. It too had been packaged and marketed but it was there, tucked away in a corner below the whisky and shortbread crates.

So I took it out and dusted it off and there it was. It wanted to be outward looking and forward thinking, freed of the misty sentimentality of nationalism, but aware of its continuity. Where have we been, where are we going, what can we give, what can we learn.

Me? I just brough it to the party." -Stuart Adamson

This CD is very hard to find. I was given the vinyl in the '80 and I had to wait almost 15 years before a friend in England mailed the CD to me, with bonus tracks! I keep the original safe and only listen to copies. Click on the below links to find the lyrics thanks to AZ Lyrics.

The Songs:

Look Away - This song reflects BEE's rebel heart and her sorrow at her past blood lust and need for power. THIS is her theme song.

The Seer - A tribute to BEE's belonging to House Eiluned, her deep, passionate, magical heritage - and her desire for equality between all people.

The Teacher - BEE teaches and learns. This song is a tribute to all who teach.

I Walk the Hill - Although BEE does not have a great love, she does love and enjoy many people. She always supports people who are in love. She serves, afterall, the Goddess Freya who is the Nordic Goddess of Love, Magic, Death, Sex and Everything In Between.

Eiledon - The longing for a perfect Dreaming. At least that was what it was in the beginning. Now it is BEE's longing for Highground, and her shame at losing it.

One Great Thing - Her love for all fae makes her happy like this song.

Hold the Heart - This song doesn't really apply to BEE but just wait. I bet something will come along to change that.

Remembrance Day - A war song if there ever was one. BEE is definitely someone who would hold the line.

The Red Fox - Tricking people and doing what they least expect. BEE is good at that. She doesn't trick people, but she sure isn't what people expect.

Sailor - A great song, though BEE doesn't really sail. She does however, LOVE cars.

Song of the South - Perhaps a song for the southern kingdom?

Look Away - A longer dance version of BEE's theme. Get out there and shake it.

One Great Thing - Dancer version of the original.

Giant - It's just a BIG song. (Hee hee.)

"Leave No One Behind"

This site designed and maintained by Margaret Lion, January 18, 2021 3:24 PM
Special thanks to the Storytellers and Players of this amazing game.