Arms of House Fiona Baroness Eleanor Elise ap Fiona,
Summer Baroness of Highground -
Widescreen Soundtrack -
Leave No One Behind
Arms of the Barony of Highground

Below are the songs for the Eleanor's Widescreen soundtrack, "Leave No One Behind". I am very proud of it. I even kept it to one CD!! I have noticed that a lot of songs from my past have found their way on this soundtrack. Many songs from the 70s and 80s are here as well as a song from my childhood. I have always liked these songs and it was nice to put them to good use. Prepare yourself for power ballads!

When you click on the song links, a new window will open to either the lyrics themselves or to Kraken Lyrics. Ah the web changes and so do links.

The World Cries Out - "Somebody save me. I don't care how you do it" - Somebody Save Me, by Remy Zero. Yes, this is from the TV show Smallville but if you think of a world in total chaos and despair well, the song fits.

The Heroes Gather - "We are not alone." - World of Stone, by Blackmore's Night - I feel that this song is Christopher Laasn calling all the heroes to the Amorica and Alabastar City. I also really like the lyrics about the angels falling and how they will be avenged.

Living in the Amorica and the Alabastar City - "Can You Feel The Waves Of Life (Can You) Hear The Sigh Of Love Do You Believe In It?" - Following the Sun, by Enigma - This was the first songs for this soundtrack as it immediately made me think of living in the Amorica and the Alabastar City. It also made me think of Christopher Laasn.

"Dreamspark" - "An echo on the wind, you'll hear my voice." - Olde Village Lanterne, by Blackmore's Night - This song is about defying the odds, battling on, and being alone. Though others join in the fight the Dreamspark, the personal sacrifice, is given alone. I imagine the last line in the song is a dead champion who has passed and is still giving hope.

Cihcoatl - The Destroyer - Ratamahatta, by Sepultura - From a Brazilian heavy metal band, this song just sounds like utter devastation.

Cihcoatl - The Blue Lady- "...lady of the morning. Love shines in your eyes" - Lady, by Styx - It is a power ballad that feels on some level transcendent and divine. C. has now become the Blue Lady, a goddess who brings hope and grace and love. It is also a song for Freya, whose name means Lady. Plus, the planet Venus is sometimes called the morning star and is associated with many goddesses. Of Note: I went into the Widescreen game knowing Eleanor would use her Dreamspark to heal Cihcoatl.

Like the Virgin Mary... - Kecharitomene, by Loreena McKennitt - This comes from the story "Tale of Two Trees" centered around Claviskin. He tells Eleanor she is like the Virgin Mary in her grace and loving manner. Plus it is a great song for belly dance. The story was called The Quest for the Two Trees.

Claviskin (If I Wasn't Married to Aziraphale...) - "You'd be so easy to love." - Easy to Love, from Anything Goes - Eleanor really does love Claviskin. If she was not married to and besottedly in love with Aziraphale she would have spent all her time with Claviskin. Odd how characters can have thoughts and feelings all their own, isn't it? ;)

House Fiona - Mythic Lovers, Mythic Warriors - "We're running with the shadows of the night so baby take my hand, it'll be all right. Surrender all your dreams to me tonight they'll come true in the end." - Shadows of the Night, by Pat Benatar - A big 80s power ballade of love and passion. I personally feel that Pat Benatar is the official singer of House Fiona! In Arcadia, Lady Fiona got her own house when she and her friends heroically faced a terrible creature when others froze or fled. Ah, House Fiona and the whole fearless thing! Eleanor is enjoying embracing her membership in House Fiona so of course there had to be some songs for that!! Incidentally the video of this song showed Benatar as a WWII woman working in a factory fantasizing about joining the army and fighting Nazis. It was a very cool video.

House Fiona - You WILL Love the WRONG Person - "Loving you isnt the right thing to do. How can I ever change things that I feel?" - Go Your Own Way, by Fleetwood Mac - My first song for House Fiona. It is self explanatory. :) Eleanor often has this song running in the back of her mind when thinking about Aziraphale.

Lullaby for the Children - One - "It isn't far to Hushabye Mountain and your boat waits down by the key." - Hushabye Mountain, from Chitty Chitty, Bang Bang - A dreamy song that Aziraphale and Eleanor could share with their child(ren). Plus Chitty Chitty, Bang Bang, the movie this song comes from, was one of my favorite movies when I was a child. Eleanor having a child is the closest I will ever come to having a child myself (which is close enough thank you very much).

Lullaby for the Children - Two - Your Daddy is the Prince of the Red Fomori - "Fee, fie, fo fum. I smell the blood of an English man." - Engrish Bwudd, by Mann Mann - It's a lullaby, believe it or not, and I just knew it had to be on this soundtrack. Can't you just see Eleanor and Aziraphale (yes, Aziraphale) playing with the kids while this song goes on in the background? Also on reflection of the lyrics, it would be a good song for Torn and Liza too, being monarchs of Ireland and all. ;)

The Technocracy Strikes Back - "I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law. Law man has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home." - Renegade, by Styx - A song about being on the run and being an outlaw. And getting caught. It is especially dedicated to Christopher Laasn, Senator Dalton, and those captured by the Technocracy. It is a rocking good song and although the tune can uplift you the words express fear and anger at being caught. Yes Supernatural fans, this song played at the end of the bank robbery episode in Season 3.

The Heroes Regroup - "Even heroes have the right to bleed." - Superman (It's Not Easy), by Five for Fighting - This songs makes me see each of the heroes quietly and privately grieving and feeling their own vulnerability. A time when you see the heroes isolate themselves so as not to show their own fears. Also a good song for Thorn and the loss of many of his Black Lancers.

The Goddess Freya and the Second Gift of Healing - Death - "She will always carry on." - Hymn to Her, from the Pretenders - This song is for the final healing/changing/death of the Weaver/Wyrm/World/Whatever. Eleanor, taking her full might as a valkyrie warrior and helps rebirth a new world - even it if means dying herself. My second Dreamspark will be used for the world healing/rebirthing/dying/changing/whatever. Also I played this song at my wedding to begin the marriage ceremony. It is a song to the Goddess.

Birthing the New World - "Can you feel the glamour, life, flowing through everything we do? Can you feel our victory, slowly growing and defeating our enemies, like the melody in this song? Victory is assured. It grows and weaves and lives. What dies is reborn. What is reborn will die. It never ends. And this is the greatest joy of all. We won." - Chevaliers de Sangraal, from The Da Vinci Code - This song played at the end of the movie and I feels like it is symbolizing the running water or spreading branch of truth within the movie. I love this song. It makes me want to weep with ecstasy. It is so beautiful. And I feel it is victorious, holy, divine, kind, and just. It is perfect for this ending and the beginning. I visualize Eleanor, and Freya and all the valkyries walking a long divine road, birthing the new world and releasing the old. For the Heroes have changed the world. For the better. (Note: The "lyrics" above are NOT from the song. I wrote them as that is how the song makes me feel.)

All Dreams Together - "Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above, now let the day begin." - Let the Day Begin, by The Call. Imagine the world being reborn and all elements being celebrated as they sprout into existence. Also, this salutes all of the heroes who fought and died for this new world as well as those who just lived everyday. The song also salutes the players and STs in this game. For soundtrack purposes, imagine a beautiful new universe being birthed to this song.

Credits Roll - Salute to Cast and Crew - "I get by with a little help from my friends." - With A Little Help From My Friends, The Beatles. A salute and bow and love to the people who have become my friends while playing this game. I am truly blessed to know you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! For soundtrack purposes, think the ending of The Return of the King and have cast and crew faces on the screen.

"Leave No One Behind"

This site designed and maintained by Margaret Lion, January 18, 2021 3:46 PM
Special thanks to the Storytellers and Players of this amazing game.