Build Package for Character Creation

Character creation for LitM: Garou characters will utilize the Laws of the Wild Revised (3rd edition) character generation rules, with the following additional caveats:

1) Build your character with no freebie points and 25 experience points (XP) to start.

2) Starting rank is cliath. If you wish to play a fostern, you may buy up rank by spending one XP for each permanent point of renown you need to advance. You may not buy above starting fostern renown. However, if you wish (or are willing to) play a cub, you will be given an additional 10 XP that you can spend at a later date on Gifts.

3) If you wish to buy abilities or backgrounds above 3 levels, you must get permission from an ST first (AKA, we need to know about it).

4) Likewise, since everyone will be new to the area, if you wish to have any Influences above 1 level, you will need to get permission from an ST (we need to know your reasoning).

5) If you wish to put anything on your character sheet that is not in the Laws of the Wild Revised (3rd edition), you will also need to let the STs know - approval is contigent upon an ST getting to read over and approve of the particular item. If we don't have the book and you cannot provide it to us, we can't read it and we can't approve it.

Please also note: The alpha, warder, and guardian positions will (initially) be held by NPCs. This frees up you, our players, to 1) not argue constantly about who gets to be alpha and 2) not have to sit around at the caern all the time and miss all the action. To clarify, the NPC alpha will NOT be there to tell everyone what to do - he will be more of a guide and support. PCs will still get to decide what their priorities, actions, and interactions will be.