Wedding Party

The Bride

The bride will be joined by one sister and four friends. The Maid of Honor is the bride's sister Danielle. The four bridesmaids are Sabrina Liebig, close friend of the bride and wife to Mike, Kristina Amin, bride's college buddy and roommate, Angie Christ and Jennifer Scroggins both long time friends of the bride from high school.

The Groom

The Groom will be joined by two brothers and three friends. The co-best men are his long time friend from the Marines Michael Liebig and his long time friend from high school Pat Reeves. Brad Magee, a friend since high school, and two of Rich's brothers, Tim Meeker and Jeff Meeker, will also stand with him.

In honor of the groom's and one of his co-bestman's service to their country, a link to the United States Marine Corp has been provided.

Questions about the wedding? Email the bride.

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Webmaster - Margaret Lion. Have a happy wedding Tina and Rich!

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