Highground Device

The Snickersnee


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Below are some pictures and information about the creatures of communication in Highground -
The Snickersnee.

The Official Snickersnee Seal Though the Snickersnee think themselves perfectly decorated, unlike other unfortunate creatures, they have an emblem they must wear when on duty. This golden emblem is their official seal and on-duty Snickersnee will be seen wearing it. (See Snickersnee Hierarchy below.)



Two SnickersneeThis picture was originally thought to show two Snickersnee trading messages. However it is has been verified that this is a picture of two Snickersnee deciding where to have lunch based on the quantity and quality of beer.



Snickersnee getting ready to send a messagePicture of Snickersnee getting ready to send a message.






The below pictures are various shots of Snickersnee. As you can see they come in many colors and sizes. Also their texture can be range from soft and silky looking to a hard shell. Like all living creatures no two Snickersnee are alike.

Green and sheer Snickersnee Snickersnee with a hard blue exterior Snickersnee

Snickersnee Snickersnee

Snickernsee Hierarchy

For a few years during the '80s several Snickersnee who were colored blue and green considered themselves above their differently colored brothers and sisters. This was due to their own coloring matching that of Highground's device (see FAQs page by closing this window). They formed an exclusive group and call themselves the Blue & Green. These Snickersnee began to push out other Snickersnee from delivery duty - hence no blood and thus starvation and death.

Thus the Grey Brigade (see pictures below) was formed. They were Snickersnee who were primarily grey or had "dull" coloring. They protested to the other Snickersnee and the Baroness of Highground. Baroness Eleanor was disgusted by the chauvinism displayed by the Blue & Green and immediately began to use Grey Brigade Snickersnee exclusively. Eventually the Blue & Green agreed to parlay with the Grey Brigade, Sir Jain Galewarden and Baroness Eleanor acting as negotiators. From that day forward all Snickersnee were to be used equally and when on duty would wear their golden emblem (see above).

Though some think a coloring bigotry might still exist among the Snickersnee, the creatures themselves dare not behave this way in public. Recently, no clear hierarchy has been determined by non-Snickersnee. Also no Snickersnee has gone hungry in years.

Snickersnee Snickersnee


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The below is NOT a Snickersnee!

Picture of a Defayne Beastie This is a picture of one of Defayne's Beasties. They look like mosquitoes however they squirt caustic blood and enjoy drinking blood and glamour. These Beasties were also spies for Defayne. If you see one KILL it immediately. Then bring the carcass to Mary's.

Snickersnee HATE these Beasties and will often attack one when found. The attack must happen in groups as one Snickersnee has a very hard time fighting one of the Beasties.

BEE LOVES smashing them.


Note: Special thanks to the World Wide Web and all of the unsuspecting
mortals who thought their pictures were really of dragonflies. -Webmaster

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This page is dedicated to:

The fabulous STs of Embracing the Muse. (Especially the Vixen.)
Without you, this would never have existed.


The Highgrounders


Argotique Graphics. You are missed.

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Site created by Margaret Lion© May 2006
Last Updated: January 18, 2021
In support of the LARP Embracing the Muses